Initiative for Women and Girls Right Advancement (IWOGRA) in Collaboration with SIIDAfrica organized a webinar meeting with the theme: Mobilizing Youths against Sexual and Gender Based Violence. The focus of the meeting was on the major challenges of sexual and gender based violence (SGBV) faced by girls and women in Nigeria and possible solutions to these problems. The meeting was held on the 18th of August, 2020 and was attended by participants drawn from CSOs, Legal Practitioners, Survivors of SGBV and individuals.
The meeting was aimed at addressing the challenges of SGBV, their impact and for youths to proffer solutions to curb this menace (SGBV) and achieve a safe society for girls and women.
Kamenechukwu Isichei, Legal Practitioner and Girl Child Advocate described SGBV as an epidemic that is fast ravaging our society and highlighted certain areas of concerns such as stigmatization that survivors are faced with.
Genital mutilation, women trafficking, forced marriages, sexual harassment in Tertiary Institution are some of the forms of prevalent cases of SGBV that Amanda Nguma, Co-founder, Lighthouse Edutainment listed and she pointed out that these challenges contributed greatly to the moral decadence in the society.
Lawal G. Olamilekan, Director, SIIDAfrica emphasized the need for more youths to be involved in the fight against SGBV, as youths constitute the highest percentage of survivors as well as perpetrators of SGBV.
The Welcome Address was delivered by the Founder of IWOGRA, Nkechi Obiagbaoso-Udegbunam who emphasized the need for CSOs as well as individuals to collaborate in order to create a platform that will bring about cultural and social changes that are necessary in reducing SGBV and improving the lives of girls and women.
Observations Made and Proposed Recommendations During the Webinar
The participants observed:
- That there are not enough youths involved in the fight against SGBV even though they are the most affected.
- That Survivors are afraid to speak up because of the fear of Stigmatization.
- That there is need for preventive practices to be put in place.
- Lack of a consequence mechanism makes many act with impunity.
- Inadequate sensitization of people in the society.
- Inadequate implementation of laws tackling SGBV.
- High level of Ignorance.
Following the discussions and interactions, therefore, the participants at the meeting adopted the following recommendations:
- The need for coalitions in order to work with the government for the implementation of laws tackling SGBV.
- The need for the Sensitization of parents/guardians in order to create a safe space for the girl child.
- Engaging more youths in the fight against SGBV.
- Sensitization of the populace in order to reduce the level of Ignorance.
- Dismantling the culture of silence by encouraging survivors to speak up.
Youths should use social media platforms to campaign against SGBV.